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This web site contains information and comments of only a general nature on legal questions and developments in the field of intellectual property protection. The information and comments contained herein are neither complete nor can they act as a substitute for legal consultation. We are therefore unable to accept liability for any decision made or action taken on the basis of the information or comments on this web site. Before making any decision or undertaking any action, we recommend that you obtain legal advice. Should you have any questions concerning legal matters or require further information, we will be pleased to help you.

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Information as required by § 6 of the German Law on Teleservices. (Teledienstgesetz - TDG):

Company name:
Bauer IP Law Firm (Patentanwalt Clemens Bauer)

Company seat:
Berlepsch Str. 6
81373 Munich

+49-(0)89/720 16 442

+49-(0)89/720 16 442



The patent attorneys of Bauer IP Law Firm are members of the German Chamber of Patent Attorneys.

Tal 29
80339 Munich
Tel: +49-(0)89/24 22 78 0
Fax: +49-(0)89/24 22 78 24

Our attorneys' professional title "Patentanwalt'' [patent attorney] was conferred in the Federal Republic of Germany. The German patent attorneys of Bauer IP Law Firm are registered at the German Patent and Trade Mark Office.
Bauer IP Law Firm's patent attorneys are subject to the following professional rules:
- Patentanwaltsordnung (PatanwO) [German Patent Attorney Code], last amended by BGBI. I 2001, page 3656;
- Berufsordnung der Patentanwälte (BOPA) [Code of Conduct for Patent Attorneys] - issued by the German patent attorneys 1997, page 243.

The European patent attorneys of Bauer IP Law Firm are registered at the European Patent Office and are members of the Institute of Professional Representatives at the European Patent Office.

Institute of Professional Representatives admitted to practice at the European Patent Office
Tal 29
80331 Munich
Tel: +49-(0)89/201 70 80
Fax: +49-(0)89/202 15 48

The European patent attorneys of Bauer IP Law Firm are subject to the following professional rules:
- Conduct guide lines of the Institute of Professional Representatives admitted to practice at the European Patent Office; can be reviewed under;
- Rules of the Administrative Council of the European Patent Office concerning disciplinary matters; can be reviewed
- Code of Professional Conduct of the International Federation of Patent Attorneys; can be reviewed at
